Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Adventures In Food: Cheese Steak Hoagie

Where: Rockwell Powerplant Mall. Elbert's Cheesesteak Sandwiches

Cost : 240 for the Hoagie Sandwich (add 80 pesos for generous fries plus fountain drink)

Had the sandwich as they make it without adding or subtracting anything. Comes with lettuce, tomatoes and onions. I can't visualize this being much good if taken out.

Personal Verdict: yum!!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Questionable Headline: RP Still Seen As Corrupt

You can see the headline. Here is the story. The reason why I find this worthy of saying a few words is the one word in that headline. "Still"

If you don't get me now try these hypothetical headlines:

Mount Everest Still Highest Mountain.

Grand Canyon Still Breath Taking.

Casablanca Still A Classic.

Michael Bolton Still Cheesy.

Willie Revillame Still Produces Moronic TV

The word "still" implies there is or was a chance that the status quo is threatened. Otherwise why say it that way?

It would take armaggedon of incredible bibilical proportions to change the status of the Grand Canyon or Mt. Everest. Casablanca is safe as long as movies like Twilight keep coming out. Michael Bolton once wrote for Kiss. Willie's new show by all indications is not CSI.

Nothing has happened here in the last twelve months to warrant that simple word "still". Unless you count not hearing sirens while on the road. To at least get you out of here in an optimistic and pleasant mood. Enjoy the song titled the same as our key word. Done by the band of a guy who I think is Nicole Richie's dad.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Take on The Jersey Shore And How It Relates To Us

I rarely turn on the TV. So I am not a Jersey Shore viewer. But is it safe to say that they are not exactly celebrated for their cerebral qualities? They are full of themselves and vain and may never contribute to the betterment of society. Much like the local Gucci Gang.

Snooki gets arrested which is good sign that flavor of the month status does not exclude one from acting normally in public. Fred Thompson had the funniest take on the Snook Meister here.

I think I heard enough descriptions from Bill Simmons to have a good idea what the appeal of Jersey Shore is.

In the words of Spinal Tap's David St.Hubbins - "Yes it did! Yes it f**ing well did, and it was not pleasant to be part of the comedy on stage. Backstage, perhaps, it was very amusing. "

Based on my link to the real world, (my office mates) Jersey Shore is a not big hit here yet. Who needs it? If you want people full of themselves, who do not know the people are not laughing with them but at them then we have our newly elected president. That is true reality TV. It's comedy if you see the reality of it yet it affects our reality in a grim way. The worst dumb are people who don't know they are dumb. These type of people believe it is their genius creating the amusement and the applause when its quite the opposite. Guess what Philippines you elected him.

At least Snooki being dumb only affects MTV's reality.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tipper Gore Took On Zappa and Prince

I see Tipper Gore is in the news. As some of you remember I am a frequent Democrat basher but not here and not now. I am sad when any marriage dissolves. Tipper and Al were only celebrating their 40th anniversary two weeks ago. I found out my parents marriage was over one month before their 30th anniversary.

You may not know too many people like me but I heard of Tipper Gore before I heard of Al. In the mid 80's in a day when the phrase "gangsta rap " did not exist. People like Judas Priest , Ozzy Osborne and Prince were controversial for the words in their songs. The weird thing is in Canada we had Maclean and Maclean who were pretty much under the radar. Maybe because they were too Canadian to ever cross the 49th parallel culturally. What I mean by that is they were obscene but their jokes were really meant for Canadians so Americans had no idea who they were.

Tipper's story is that she was appalled by the lyrics in a song called Darling Nikki. I will not quote them here but the audio is below courtesy of Youtube. Prince I have known of since I first heard the hit "I Wanna Be Your Lover" back in 1980. Even back then this guy was genius. Playing almost all the instruments in his record. Let's forward five years later to 1985 when Prince was at his commercial peak. Tipper's 11 year old daughter had the Purple Rain record. Things are different now in 2010 with digital technology but back then you had to be 18 to rent Quest for Fire or any other R Rated movie in the video store. But there were no such measures for records and cassette tapes.

Here is where it starts to get dicey. I completely understand a mother of an 11 year old being alarmed by what her daughter was in possession of. Tipper had no intention of telling Prince what to sing about. What she wanted was a ratings system and for all lyrics to be printed on the back cover of all records. So that a parent could make a quick assessment what their child could be listening to. So calling what she wanted to do censorship would not be accurate in my book. Prince can be Prince. She just felt parents had the right to make an informed decision on what words were going into their kids' ears. Ironically the album Purple Rain is a powerful work of music. A truly magnificent listen from start to finish. Mixture of funk, soul, rock. I can not recommend it enough. Unless of course you are Tipper Gore's daughter. Who would be about 36 now.

Count Youtube as one thing where first impressions do not count. I was not a fan at first then the more I blogged and the more I had to reference things, Youtube became among other things a very important historical tool. For those of you interested in this 25 year old debate I included Dee Snider and the very articulate Frank Zappa making their points. Ironically the guy who started all this (Prince) renounced his raunchy behavior and became a Jehovah's Witness.

I think this topic is worth looking at from the opposing views. Although I want to end it like this. People have the right to listen to rap music. People have the right to perform rap music. But I have a right to declare that rap lyrics are worth less than a balance statement of a Bernie Madoff investment. It's all about bragging , violence, misogyny, and the whole notion that to make ones self feel better the other side has to be degraded.

I don't believe in Pravda type censorship even if morons have greater access to the public.


Monday, May 3, 2010

"You Are Wasting Your Vote"

4 a : to spend or use carelessly : squander b : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated

The Presidency is a Terrible Thing to Waste

One thing you may have heard by now is the excuse. A vote for _________ is a wasted vote. Which is usually used by the political adversaries of ____.

How true is that claim? You know the old quote "statistics don't lie but liars use statistics". You also know the two questions they ask when you want a survey conducted in the Philippines : 1) When do you want the survey out? 2) What do you want the survey to say?

I want to draw your attention to an
article that I feel explains the surveys that so many Noynoy supporters and Noynoy himself use as the Gospel Truth.

I got the idea from

If you take the "survey tailender" incident at face value then you see a man who can not bravely face a question to give an accounting of his time as a public servant. A man blindly idolized by many in this election season. An Emperor who truly has no clothes. I even have the transcript of the kids who have exposed Noynoy to be such.

Let's get back to the issue of waste. For those of us who watched one of the best shows ever The Sopranos, we all know that Tony Soprano never defined himself as gangster or part of the mob or part of the mafia. He was in "waste management". Considering all the people he did dispose of in the show, he was not really lying.

Noynoy on the other hand tells you any vote that is not for him or the perceived #2 in the polls is a wasted vote. The assumption that the polls are really believable. Ask anyone who been to the majority of provinces in this country and they will tell you that for a so called small country it's pretty big. How anyone can take such a small sampling size and project with such confidence a 19% lead is beyond anyone who can think rationally. Then again we are talking Noynoy, same guy who when asked what has he done when he was in Congress for 9 years and not give a response. Somebody like Tony Soprano should "waste manage" Noynoy.

Much has been made that Noynoy will not stain the legacy of his parents. For those of us paying attention to what he has done or not done in 50 years of living.He already has. Running for president of the land not because of the wishes of his parents but for the ulterior motives of those around him stains the parents legacy. Just bragging about his parents legacy in lieu of his personal deeds stains the parents legacy. Running for president with his joke of a resume stains the parents legacy. He already has stained the parents legacy. So don't be giving some bogus promise that he won't stay it should he win.

And he just laughs because : 1) he does not see it and 2) many others do not see it.

The thing is when based on Noynoy's words or lack of them when his activity as a public servant is questioned, you have the true definition of waste . And by association the true definition of a wasted vote. Laugh if you want.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yes You Can Forget About A Gun In Your Carry On Luggage

Two simple words. Two simple words in the English language: "I forgot!" How many times do we let ourselves get into terrible situations because we don't say "I forgot"? Let's say you're on trial for armed robbery. You say to the judge, "I forgot armed robbery was illegal."

Steve Martin

Very simple story. Shaun Rogers who is an NFL Player brought a gun in his carry on luggage and was on his way to board a commercial flight. In these days of airplanes flying into skyscrapers and bombs in underwear. He claims he forgot. Shaun's story is here.

99.999% of people will look at that and say what an idiot. Normally I will be part of that 99.999% as cynical as I am. First of all , I forget things myself. Remember that Episode of the Simpsons where Marge gets caught shoplifting except she did not mean to at all. She just forgot. Marge may be a fictional character but only last Wednesday I had lots of things in my mind. I was buying a gift for my sister. I had the book in my hand then I remembered that I did not ATM. First thing I thought of was drop book before you think of leaving the store. I remembered Marge Simpson.

It's so easy to profile and stereotype. Dumb Football player. A minster, a man of God would not do the same thing. Let me tell you, one did. My admiration for John Maxwell has long been on display in this blog. I read several of his books, I link to his blog and I both listen to his speeches on audio and once in person. He is truly an inspiration. He did exactly what Shaun Rogers did. He says he forgot and I for one believe him. His story is here.

We live in a world of sound bites and 10 second video clips. It is so easy to connect the dots and come to a conclusion. I know that just constantly listening to talk radio. But for all the people that will be quick to call him an idiot. Let me at least give you a scenario where it could happen. I had this killer line I wanted to put here that will have you on your feet cheering and weeping. To end things with a bang. Unfortunately, I forgot.

Ed;_ylt=AhhY.0D9iMEf59guQS4wNMU5nYcB?slug=ap-browns-rogersarrested maxwell

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Just Find This Ad HIlarious

I doubt many of my local friends have seen this ad. Sadly, I am not this man.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lack of Pinoys, Protests and Other Things Vancouver Olympics Related

"Fake snow... Fake promises... Fake price tag... Welcome to Vancouver 2010." - Jeff Beyak

Never heard of Jeff Beyak? I don't blame you. He was a college mate. He can verify to you that I did go. Not sure if he can verify that I studied but he can tell you I was there.I have my own point of view on a lot of things but if you want an alternative to all the glitz and hoopla click here.

Let me tell you that Vancouver was the liberal capital of North America . At least when I was there. Beautiful place but no coincidence that the first unionized Starbucks and McDonalds were there. Also the first public place to smoke marijuana. I am sure this was spearheaded by people formerly associated with my brother. What fascinated me was all the professional protesters. Who it seemed like had no productive place to be. So if you hear anything about them just keep in context.

My thoughts on the Summer Olympics also apply to the Winter Olympics and I provided urls below should you care.

One thing I won't miss is local commentators complaining about no medals. It will not be a topic because they will think there is no snow here so why bother. They will say there are no hot climate countries participating anyway. And they would be wrong. Those winter paradise spots of Peru, Ghana , Morocco , Hong Kong and Senegal all are represented. They all probably had more snow than Vancouver too. Not only are their climates similar to ours but you can't convince me they all are heads and shoulders better off financially than we are. I have said before that I don't care about medal count. I care about spirit and community. Maybe it would do the Philippines well to have some representation in the Olympics. Broaden their minds away from basketball and boxing. Pinoy curlers !!! Yeah!!

Let's think of the opportunities.I have a plan. We all know there is no shortage of KSPs in this country. A visionary company that is also looking for more exposure should find one of those KSPs who is reasonably athletic and willing to channel his or her KSPness into training 4 to 8 years for Olympic qualifying in a Winter Olympics event. Also do not go for a glamor sport. Competition to get in is really stiff for figure skating. Being the best Filipino figure skater has as much weight as being the tallest midget when it comes to Olympic qualifying. Getting attention legitimately has a price. That price is doing all the boring work on a boring sport that only gets attention by the public once every four years. I doubt they will catch the games in Sochi, Russia by 2014. But the possibilities are there.

In my plan there is no public funding. I admit it's a bit ripped off from Colbert. It should not be the government. 1) they are not efficient. 2) they lost a lot of money in the Boracay Mansion fiasco. 3) this plan requires foresight, altruism and patience. If there is one thing I know about our senators and congressmen, they are full of shortcuts. They are also full of something else.

Think of all the publicity this KSP and their KSP sponsor will get when the Winter Olympics open and for the first time the Philippine flag will be there. Held by a KSP who focused their energy on qualifying and learning a skill that will be of absolute no use to them when the games stop. But the price will be worth it. The Philippines will be added to the list of countries participating and maybe in every barangay there will be kids in the street making believe that they are competing like our one sole representative in the Winter Olympics.... and winning.




Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Basis of Strategy In The Context Of The Godfather

Michael Porter in his book Competitive Strategy (1980) states the following factors set the limits to formulation of strategies:

Basis of Strategy:

1) The Threats and Opportunities to the Industry.

2) The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Company.

3) Personal Values of the Key Implementers.

4) Broader Societal Expectations.

What better way to explain this than a scene from the Godfather .


related link

Monday, February 8, 2010

Twitter Bowl

I have watched the Super Bowl many times over the last 30 years. 2010 marks the first time I augmented the experience with Twitter. Both as someone making observation and also getting instantly the observations of people who I read even if football was not the basis of me following them in the first place. I have to admit, it added a dimension to it that was not there before. Not only did I get Joe Theismann's color commentary but I also got the color commentary of people whose opinion I subject myself to anyway. I reproduced my notes below for you. Also you may look at the people whose tweets I found enhanced this game for me today.


Watching game with Quito and Jun Jun. Plus reading Tweets of several guys . Feb 8, '10 9:48 AM

Sean Payton 's two big gambles have paid off . He is definitely not playing to not lose. Feb 8, '10 9:33 AM

Our sync of The Who is so bad . Audio video. Your worst Kung Fu movie come to life . Feb 8, '10 9:05 AM

I thought going for td was nuts but it worked out . Saints gave Payton long field . And it's only 4

point game going into half . Feb 8, '10 8:57 AM

Is it just me or is cheering louder when the Saints get a first down than when the Colts got

their touchdown . Feb 8, '10 8:19 AM

Twitter Bowl (Sports Business Reporter MSNBC) (CNN Media Matters Reporter) ( advertising, sports expert) (Frequent ESPN podcast guest) (Sports Nation) (Yahoo Sports) (Yahoo NFL) (CNNSI/ NBC NFL) (ESPN)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Manny Pacquaio Speaks Live Without A Net Audio Blog

ESPN Jan 20 2010 . Live without a net.

With so much money on the line I don't see why Manny Pacquaio has to make his case himself when the word articulate does not exactly come to mind when you hear him. Manny can do no wrong in the Philippines even if he can't spell the word so of course everybody here thinks Floyd is a coward. This was broadcasted on ESPN January 20 2010.

These are Manny's words and Manny's voice and its up for you to decide if this is a guy who was stood up at the altar or a guy who had no intention of getting married without a prenuptial.

My opinion: Floyd may be manipulative and self promoting but his blood test condition is not demanding. Manny should have just said yes. He would have been compensated a cool 40 mil.

One of my questions is how badly does Manny have to speak before there has to be an interpreter doing the answering?


Highlights from the audio interview

  • On the interview question why did the fight not push push through? He mumbles something about Floyd reasons and Floyd did not want fight.
  • On the question asked of Manny why he won't submit to blood testing. - Floyd is bigger.
  • On the question why he would agree to blood testing 14 days before the fight? - all he can say is heavy training, hard training.
  • On the question he would not agree to full random testing ?- the one time he agreed to it , he was weak and lost to Morales. He claims that there was a blood test the day of the fight.
  • Brian Kenny then asks if a test 15 days before the fight would bother him?- he still sprouts heavy training over and over again. Let's not forget his opponent is subject to the same test.

Additional note: For some other reaction to Manny excuses, please read and listen :

Additional link: